Mentioned several times in the Qur’an, and described as a source of revitalization and purity, water is the origin of all life on earth. Apart from being the first existing element in life, the Qur’an states that every living thing is made from water, which also happens to comprise approximately 60% of an adult’s body and 75% of an infant’s. The emphasis of water in the Quran, therefore, clearly highlights its importance as a natural resource.
Mentioned twice in the Qur’an and strongly emphasized for its importance by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), milk provides an extensive range of benefits including good bone health, smooth skin, strong immune system, prevention of illnesses such as dental decay, respiratory problems, obesity, and even some forms of cancer. In addition, it is composed of fat, water and milk solids, which are very important for human beings.
Mentioned twice in the Qur’an, honey is one of the greatest natural medical gifts from God. Apart from being a great source of remedy, honey prevents the human body from several illnesses, increases energy and has numerous anti-bacterial effects.
Olive Oil
Mentioned once in the Qur’an, olive oil contains Vitamin E, which serves as the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant that helps in strengthening the immune system; reducing the severity of asthma, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and delaying the effects of ageing.
Dates have been referred to more than 20 times in the Qur’an. Muslims generally break their fast by eating dates. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: “if anyone of you is fasting, let him break his fast with dates”. In addition to providing the body with its needed energy, dates also have a high level of potassium and increase the feeling of fullness after consumption.
Mentioned more than 10 times in the Qur’an and referred to as the ‘fruit of the people of paradise’, the Quran strongly underlines the importance of grapes, which also provide numerous remedies.
Mentioned 6 times in the Qur’an, olives provide a wealth of benefits such as cancer prevention, bone development, blood pressure reduction, aging prevention and several other benefits for internal organs. Recent researches have also shown that olives are an important source of good health.
Mentioned once in the Qur’an, figs have higher fiber levels than any other fruits or vegetables. Only one dried fig provides two grams of fiber, which is equal to 20% of the daily recommended portion for the body.
Mentioned 3 times in the Qur’an, pomegranates contain potassium as well as minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, and sodium, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C. Pomegranates revive tired muscles and help ease their mobility. They also strengthen the heart.
Mentioned once in the Qur’an, bananas help with preventing a number of illnesses. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a tiring 90-minute workout.
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