Who is person near of prophet muhamed in paradise

of Allah ( PBUH) said, "I
will be like this in Jannah
with the person who
takes care of an orphan".
Messenger of Allah
(PBUH ) raised his
forefinger and middle
finger by way of
Commentary: It will be
indeed a great honour to
be close to the Prophet
( PBUH ) in Jannah. This
honour will be given to
those who are kind to the
Real story/ One person visited Mecca, the house of God. He was tired and he fell asleep. he slept and he saw in his dream the prophet Mohamed who told him: "After you visit your area and your village, you will find a person.
 After this person return in his area , he looked this name he find him he told him the prophet Mohamed send you salutation , he asked about him what he did in his life , for the messanger send him slutation , he was divide his salary with family the family orphan .
             Thanks madam laura P
