Religious Discussion

Q1: What is your name?
BIBLE : I don't know
QURAN : My name is Quran (36:2).
Q2: Where did you came from?
BIBLE : From people.

QURAN : From God of universe Allah
Q3. Did you (Bible) inform your people to go to Church on sunday and you (Quran) did inform your people to go to Mosque on friday?
QURAN: Yes! (62:9).
Q4. Did you call your religion Christianity and your religion Islam?
QURAN: Yes (6:125).
Q5. Is the word trinity existed in you?
QURAN : Yes {4:171} say not three
(trinity) cease It is better for you for Allah is the only one God.
Q6. Why did you contradict yourself in many places?
BIBLE : Because I came from people and no man is perfect.
QURAN : I have no single contradiction (4:82).
Q7. Why do you allow people to keep changing you?
BIBLE : Because they are one who created me (jer 8:8).
QURAN : No one can change me (85:21-22)"
So Christians and Muslims the Choice is yours.
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