02) prayer ; Salat


Muslims pray at least five times a day. Learn all about prayer in Islam - how to do it, when and why. Includes detailed information on how to perform the daily prayers.

Sunnah Prayers
Beyond the five daily required prayers, Muslims often engage in optional prayers before or after the regular prayers. These are known as "sunnah prayers."

Islamic Prayer
All you need to know about how Muslims pray - the intentions, the words and actions, and the timings of Islamic prayer.
Perform the Muslim Prayers
How to perform the daily Muslim prayers, including the words and movements.

Islamic Prayer Beads: Subha
Description of Islamic prayer beads ("subha"), including how they are designed and used by Muslims.

Daily Prayer Timings
Muslims observe five formal prayers each day. At what time do daily prayers occur? Here is an overview.

Why do Islamic prayer times change from day to day?
Islam FAQ: Why do Islamic prayer times change from day to day?

Find Prayer Times Around the World
Find the Muslim prayer times for your area, simply by choosing your location from this tool. Over 5 million cities covered!

Can missed prayers be performed at a later time?
Muslims pray five formal prayers daily. What is one to do if a prayer is missed due to lack of time or place to pray? Can the prayers be made up at a later time, or does it automatically count as a sin that cannot be rectified?

Learn How to Pray - Multimedia Programs
Learn how to perform the Islamic daily prayers using internet video and multimedia.

Prayers for Healing Sickness
What do Muslims say as a du'a (prayer) to ask Allah to heal someone who is suffering from sickness?

Islam - Prayer Rugs
Islamic prayer rugs are used to ensure that the area used for prayer is clean. The rugs often have embroidered designs and come in standard sizes, but are not required to be used.

What is the "qiblah" and what role does it have in Islamic prayer and worship?The direction of the Kaaba, or the Middle

Online Qiblah Finder
The Qiblah determines the direction of the daily Muslim prayers, the position towards which a Muslim should stand during prayer. Muslims always face Mecca, Saudi Arabia during prayer. When traveling, use these online Qiblah finders to determine the direction of Mecca from your location.

How To Make Wud'u
Before praying, a Muslim must be in a state of ritual purity. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to perform ablutions (wud'u).

What is the Adhan?
A glossary definition of the adhan (call to prayer).
Meaning of the Adhan ( azan) in islam
What do the words of the adhan ( azan) mean in English?
Adhan or  ( azan)  it is :
Allahu Akbar
God is Great
(said four times)

Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
(said two times)

Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
(said two times)

Hayya 'ala-s-Salah
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
(said two times)

Hayya 'ala-l-Falah
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
(said two times)

Allahu Akbar
God is Great
[said two times]

La ilaha illa Allah
There is no god except the One God

For the pre-dawn (fajr) prayer, the following phrase is inserted after the fifth part above, towards the end:

As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm
Prayer is better than sleep
(said two times)

 listen ( azan) calling for prayer 5 time in day
To hear what the adhan sounds like, please visit one of the audio links .

Listen to the Adhan on Your Computer
In Muslim countries, the adhan (call to prayer) rings out over the land for each of the five daily prayers. In areas where the adhan cannot be heard, these computer programs will call the Adhan for you in your home.

Meaning of the Arabic word “iqamah” as it relates to Islamic prayer

Du'a -- Personal Supplications
Aside from the daily prayers, Muslims are encouraged to call upon Allah for forgiveness, guidance, and strength throughout the day. Muslims can make these personal supplications or prayers (du'a) in their own words, in any language, but there are also recommended examples from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Patience, Perseverance, and Prayer
Allah reminds us that all people will be tried and tested in life, and calls upon Muslims to bear these trials with "patience, perseverance, and prayer."

Humility in Islam
Muslims constantly strive to remember and practice Islamic virtues, and put them into practice throughout their daily lives. Among these great Islamic virtues are submission to Allah, self-restraint, discipline, sacrifice, patience, brotherhood, generosity, and humility. During prayer in particular, Muslims humble themselves before God.

Information about salat-l-istikhara, the Islamic prayer for guidance. This prayer should be done whenever a Muslim faces an important decision.

Prayers for Travel
What do Muslims say as a du'a (prayer) for travel, when taking a trip?

Solar/Lunar Eclipse Prayers
At a time of a solar or lunar eclipse, there is a recommended prayer (salatul-kusuf) that is performed by the Muslim community in congregation.

Ending Islamic Prayers With "Ameen"
Why do people end prayers with "Amen"? What is the origin and meaning of this practice among Jews, Christians, and Muslims?

Prayers for Forgiveness
What do Muslims say as a du'a (prayer) to ask forgiveness from God?

Prayers of Thanks
What do Muslims say as a du'a (prayer) to give thanks to God?

Prayers During Meals
What do Muslims say as a du'a (prayer) before and after eating a meal?

What is the meaning and role of the imam in Islam? The imam leads Islamic worship services, but may also take on a larger role in providing community support and spiritual advice.
he Basics of the Muslim’s Prayer

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The five prayers are among the best acts of worship that the Muslim performs. Performing them is the best deed after having the correct belief in God and His Messenger. Prophet Muhammad, may Allah raise his rank, was asked what the best deed was and he said it was performing the obligatory prayers at the beginning of their times (al-Bayhaqiyy):

When we say “prayers” we are referring to an act of worshipping God which has a specific format as God revealed to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah raise his rank. The prophets from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah raise their rank, ordered their followers to pray as per God’s orders.

Since the prayer is the most important matter of Islam after having the correct belief in God and His Messenger, one must plan his life around the prayer. It would be a great sin to neglect praying when at work if a prayer was required at that time. If a believer is shopping at the mall or waiting at the airport and there is no way to get home or to a mosque, he is still obligated to perform the prayer within its due time instead of purposely leaving out or delaying the prayer. This indicates the importance of the obligatory prayer. Doing the obligatory prayer on time takes priority over other non-obligatory matters.
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Chapter 1: Preparations Before Praying

There are five prayers which are obligatory and rewardable. There are other prayers which are rewardable but optional to perform. The optional prayers require the same preparation as the five required prayers. There are several requirements of the person who performs the prayer. The person praying must be Muslim and must have reached the state of mental discrimination which is usually around seven lunar years (about 6 3/4 solar years).
Taharah (Purification)

The Muslim must have the proper Taharah (purification) before performing the prayers. This comprises the removal of najas (filthy) substances and performing wudu’ (ablution) or ghusl (full shower).
Removal of Najas (Filthy substances)

Islamically, there are substances that are considered filthy and must not be on the person’s body, clothes, place of prayer, or even carried when praying. Some of these substances include urine, feces, blood, vomit, pus, and discharges from the penis and vagina, except maniyy (semen and the woman’s fluid of orgasm) which is not filthy.

To clean oneself after urinating and defecating, the person dries himself of all urine with toilet paper after urinating, and then pours water on the areas where the urine was. In the case of defecation, the person is correct if he removes the defecation with toilet paper and then pours water on the stained area to remove the traces. It is also acceptable to use either toilet paper or water only. However, the exclusive use of toilet paper has conditions. The urine must not go beyond the exit area and must not dry there. Also, one’s defecation must not spread past the area of the buttocks which comes together when one is standing.
Wudu' (Ablution)

This verse from the Qur’an means: “0 you who believe, if you stand up for prayer, wash your face and arms up to [and including] the elbows and wet wipe [part of] your head and wash your feet up to [and including] the ankles.” (al-Ma’idah, 6)

Wudu' (Ablution) has obligatory and recommended parts. The obligatory parts are those parts which if left out the wudu' is not valid. The recommended parts are those parts which if left out the wudu' would still be valid, but one misses out on that reward. The wudu’ must be made with water only.

How to Perform Wudu’


It is recommended to say بِسم الله “Bismillah” (with the Name of Allah) while washing the hands.

It is recommended to wash the two hands with the wrists three times .

It is recommended to rinse the mouth three times using the right hand

It is recommended to draw water into the nose with the right hand and to blow it out of the nose with the left hand three times .

It is an obligation to have the proper intention. When the water touches the first part of your face say in your heart “I intend to perform wudu'”.

It is an obligation to wash your face, from the normal hairline to the chin and from one ear to the other including the hair and skin. The inner part of the man’s thick beard is excluded (figure-4- ).

If a string was put at the middle of the forehead at the normal hairline and drawn to the top of the ear, then one washes all that would be below that string, both hair and skin, with the ears excluded (figure-4a-4b).

It is recommended to wash the face three times.

It is an obligation to wash the hands, forearms, and elbows.

It is recommended to wash them three times each. Start with the right and then the left .

It is an obligation to wet wipe part of the head, between the normal hairline and the occiput

It is recommended to wet wipe both ears three times .

It is an obligation to wash the feet with the ankles. It is recommended to wash them three times starting with the right foot .

Do the obligatory parts (from step 1 to 10) in the aforementioned order.

It is recommended to say a supplication after finishing wudu’ (see Appendix 1).



It is preferred to use a small amount of water in wudu’ and ghusl. It is mentioned in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah used a mudd مد (about half a cup) of water for wudu' and a sa^ صاع (about a pint) for ghusl. A mudd is the fill of a pair of average-sized hands cupped together. The sa^ is four mudds. It is also mentioned in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah used six (6) mudds (about 3 cups) of water for wudu’ and thirty (30) mudds (about one cup less than a gallon) for ghusl.
Invalidators of Wudu'

If you have wudu' and any of the matters which invalidate wudu’ takes place, you must not pray until you make a new wudu' Among the invalidators of wudu' are:

1. The emission of any substance from the eliminatory outlets, such as urine, defecation, or gas, except maniyy.

2. Touching the penis or vagina, or the anus with the inside of the bare hand (the palm).

3. Losing the mind or losing consciousness

4. Sleeping without having the buttocks firmly seated, such as sleeping on the stomach, back, and on the side.

5. Skin to skin contact with a member of the opposite sex, who has reached an age where he or she is normally desired. (the females whom one is not allowed to marry in any circumstance such as his mother, sister etc. (are not included).

6. If one of these matters happens to you during prayer, you stop the actions of the prayer, perform wudu' and then start the prayer from the beginning.
Ghusl (Full Shower)

You must perform a ghusl (full shower) in order to pray after:

1. You perform sexual intercourse.

2. Your menstruation ends.

3. Your postpartum bleeding ends.

4. You give birth to a child, even if it was without bleeding.

5. Your maniyy is emitted
How to Perform Ghusl

After removing any najas from the body, the ghusl is performed in the following way:

1. It is obligatory for you to intend in the heart to perform the obligation of ghusl when the water first touches your body.

2. It is obligatory to wash the whole body with water, including all of the hair. It is recommended to to do this three times.

When performing either the wudu' or ghusl, all substances which prevent water from reaching the parts to be washed and wiped must be removed. Examples are: nail polish on fingernails and toenails and waterproof mascara.
Tayammum (Dry Purification)

In the absence of water or when unable to use water, one may instead of performing wudu or ghusl perform tayammum. This is stated in the Qur’an:

This verse means: “If you do not find water, then perform tayammum with the pure soil. Pass it onto your faces and arms”. (al-Ma’idah, 6).

The Prophet said:

which means: “The earth is made a place for our prayers, and its soil is made for our purification” (Muslim).

One must make sure that the time of the prayer has set in before performing the tayammum. The tayammum is valid for one obligatory prayer only and for as many optional prayers as one wishes. However, one repeats the tayammum before each obligatory prayer.
How to perform Tayammum

Make sure that you have pure, dusty soil unused before in tayammum (figure-1-).

It is recommended to say Bissmillah. It is an obligation to strike the soil with your palms. Make the intention: “I intend to perform tayammum to make performing the prayer permissible” while transferring the soil until it touches your face

Pass the soil on all of your face

Strike the soil again and pass it on both hands and forearms, including the elbows. It is recommended to pass it on the right arm first then the left (figure-4-). It is an obligation to make sure that the soil on the left hand reaches all the parts of the right arm and conversely (figure-5 thru 8).

Knowing the Prayers and their Times

You can pray only after being sure that the prayer time is in. Hence, you need to learn how to recognize when the prayer times come in and go out.
The Five Obligatory Prayers

Allah revealed:

which means: “Perform the [five obligatory] prayers” (al-Baqarah, 238).

The Messenger of Allah said:

which means: “There are five prayers that Allah obligated the slaves to perform. Whoever performs them properly without belittling their obligation, Allah promised to admit him into Paradise. Whoever leaves them out does not have a promise from Allah to have Paradise without torture before. If He willed, He tortures him, and if He willed, He forgives him”. Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad.

It is obligatory to perform each of these five prayers in its due time. It is better to perform each prayer early in its time.
Dhuhr (Noon) Prayer [Four rak^ahs (cycles)]:

Its time begins when the sun has declined westward from the middle of the sky (zenith). The time remains until the length of the shadow of an object becomes equal to that of the object per Se, in addition to the length of the shadow of that object when the sun was at its zenith. For example, if the length of your shadow when the sun is at its zenith is 5 feet and you are 6 feet high, then once your shadow becomes 11 feet long the Dhuhr prayer time ends.
^Asr (Mid-afternoon) Prayer [Four rak^ahs]

As soon as the Dhuhr prayer time ends the ^Asr prayer time starts. Its time remains until sunset.
Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer [Three rak^ahs]

After the entire disk of the sun has set, then the Maghrib prayer time begins. This prayer time lasts until the redness has disappeared in the western horizon.
^Isha' (Nightfall) Prayer [Four rak^ahs]

As soon as the Maghrib prayer time is finished the ^isha' prayer time begins. You can be certain that this prayer time is in when you can see many small stars in the sky on a clear night. This prayer time lasts until the true dawn appears.
Subh or Fajr (Dawn) Prayer [Two rak ^ahs]

The true dawn begins when we see light spread at the horizon in the East. When the true dawn appears the Fajr prayer time has begun and this prayer time remains until the first glimpse of the disk of the sun appears on the Eastern horizon.
The Covering for the Prayer

The women must cover everything but their faces and hands with a material which conceals the color of their skin. The body must remain covered throughout the various movements of the prayer. So if, for example upon bending, the woman’s scarf hangs forward exposing her neck from an angle, this is not acceptable. Either the woman needs to be sure that her clothing is tucked in properly to prevent exposure, or she may put clothing over her normal clothing which does not allow exposure at angles. This clothing has an added benefit in that it conceals the shape of the body, for it is disliked for the shape of the woman’s body to be apparent while she is praying.

For the man, his area between his navel and his knees must be covered during the prayer. Like for the woman, the material with which he covers this area must not be see-through; that is, it must be opaque so as to conceal the color of the skin.
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Chapter 2: The Salah (Prayer)

There are five (5) prayers which must be performed by the Muslims and are called “obligatory” prayers. It is a great sin to neglect performing any of these obligatory prayers. Among the merits of performing the obligatory prayers is that one’s small sins, which may be committed between prayers, are forgiven. The Prophet , may Allah raise his rank, said:

which means: “Whoever makes a complete wudu', his sins will depart his body, until they leave from under his nails” (Muslim).
How to Perform the Dhuhr (Noon) Prayer

The Dhuhr Prayer is four rak^ahs

1. Facing the Qiblah: It is obligatory to stand directing your chest to the honorable Qiblah. The Qiblah is the Ka ^ bah in Makkah.

2. Intention: It is obligatory to intend in your heart performing the obligatory Dhuhr prayer. Do that while saying الله اكبر Allahu akbar (God is great).

An example is to say in your heart “I intend to pray the obligatory Dhuhr prayer”.

3. The Opening Takbir: It is obligatory to say Allahu akbar at least as loud as you can hear yourself, while raising your hands next to your ears. Raising your hands is a recommended part

4. Standing: It is obligatory to stand in the obligatory prayer when able. It is recommended to hold the wrist of the left hand with the right hand, placing both above the navel .

5. Reciting the Fatihah: It is obligatory to recite the Fatihah (the first chapter of the Qur’an) at least as loud as you can hear yourself. It is an obligation to recite the Fatihah properly, that is, to pronounce all the letters correctly. Learn the recitation of the Fatihah from a qualified teacher (see Appendix 3).

Whoever cannot recite the Fatihah correctly must recite other parts of the Qur’an, the number of letters of which should be at least equal to that of the Fajihah (156 letters). If one knows one or more qyahs of the Fatihah, one may repeat them as many times as would render minimally the same number of letters in the Fatihah. If one cannot recite any ayah of the Fatihah, one recites other ayahs of the Qur'an the letters of which add up to at least the same number of letters of the Fatihah. If one cannot recite any part of the Qur’an, one must recite certain words of dhikr, such as

subhanallah, al-hamdulillah, la ilaha illallah, and Allahu akbar (I declare that Allah is clear of all imperfections, praise and thanks to Allah, no one is God but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest) as many times as would render minimally the same number of letters in the Fatihah (Ibn Hibban an-Nawawiyy):

For example, reciting Allahu akbar twenty times is sufficient. In the unusual case of someone being unable to recite the Fatihah, other parts of the Qur’an, or dhikr statements one stands as long as reciting the Fatihah with moderate speed takes.

It is recommended to say ءامين Amin (0 Allah, fulfill my request) after finishing the Fatihah, and to recite at least one verse from another chapter of the Qur’an in the first and second rak ah (see Appendix 5).

It is also recommended before reciting the Fajihah in the first cycle to say the Tawajjuh supplication and then the isti adhah (asking for Allah’s protection from the cursed devil) (see Appendix 2).

6. The Ruku^” (Bowing): It is obligatory to bend at the waist until your palms can reach your knees (figure-3-) and stay still in this position for at least the time it takes to say سبحان الله subhanallah.

It is recommended upon bending to raise your hands next to your ears and say Allahu akbar. Also it is recommended while in ruku^, to say three times: سُبحانَ رَبِّيَ العظيم subhana Rabbiyal- ^Adhim (Praise be to my Great Lord).
Figure -3a- Figure -3b-

7. The I^ tidal (Straightening up): It is obligatory to straighten your back and stay still in this position for at least the time it takes to say subhanallah (figure-4-). It is recommended while raising your trunk to raise your hands next to your ears and to say سَمعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ sami^ allahu liman hamidah (Allah hears who praises Him). While your back is straight up it is recommended to say رَبّنَا لَكَ الحَمدُ Rabbana lakal-hamd (0 our Lord, to You the praise is due).

8. The Sujiud (Prostration): It is obligatory to go down to the floor and prostrate by pressing your bare forehead, and putting your palms, knees, and pads of the toes on the floor. Both feet are kept vertical with the heels up and the toepads down touching the floor. Stay still in this position for at least the time it takes to say subhanallah (figure-5-).

It is recommended upon going down to the floor to raise your hands next to your ears and to say Allahu akbar.

Also it is recommended while in sujud to say three times subhana Rabbiyal-'a la (Praise be to my Supreme Lord).

It is also recommended while in sujud to place your hands next to your shoulders, having your fingers together directed towards the Qiblah.

It is recommended for the male to keep his elbows away from his sides in his sujud and in his ruku ^, and to keep his abdomen lifted away from his thighs in his sujud (figure5a-5b). However, the female keeps her elbows pulled in to her sides in her sujud and ruku and keeps her trunk close to her thighs in her sujud (figure-5c-).

9. The Sitting between the two Sujuds: It is obligatory to raise your trunk from prostration and sit, staying still in this position for at least the time it takes to say subhanallah (figure-6a-).

It is recommended to say Allahu akbar while coming to sitting.
Also, it is recommended while sitting to say:

Rabbighfir li warhamni wajburni warfa ^ ^ni warzuqni wahdini wa ^afini (0 my Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, fulfill my needs, raise me, provide for me, guide me, and protect me from sickness). It is also recommended to do the sitting with the left foot tucked under the buttocks while the right foot is kept vertical as in sujud

An alternate recommended way of sitting is to rest the buttocks on the heels of both feet which are kept as in sujud

It is recommended that the hands be placed on the thighs at the knees with the fingers extended and spread slightly towards the Qiblah.

10. It is obligatory to perform a second sujud from your sitting position. This sujud is similar to the first sujud.

After the second sujud is fulfilled you have completed the first rak^ah (cycle) of the prayer.

11. It is obligatory to stand up for the second rak^ah . It is recommended while doing so to say Allahu akbar. Repeat steps 5 to 10. This ends your second rak^ah .

12. It is recommended at this time to sit up from sujud, recite the Tashahhud (see Appendix 4), and say Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad (see Appendix 4) at least as loud as you can hear yourself.

It is recommended to sit with the feet as in step 9. An alternate way of sitting is to rest the buttocks on both crossed feet (figure-7-). It is also recommended to keep both hands on your thighs. The fingertips of your left hand should be spread towards your knee. In this sitting, the fingers of the right hand are lightly fisted except for the index finger which is extended slightly down (figure-8a-). The index finger is lifted slightly at saying إلاّ الله illallah (in the Tashahhud) and is kept as such until the end of this sitting (figure-8b-).

13. It is obligatory to stand up and do two more rak^ahs in the same way that you did from steps 5 to 11. It is recommended while rising for the third rak ^ah to raise your hands next to your ears and say Allahu akbar. However, raising the hands is not recommended while rising for the fourth rak^ah .

14. Upon completion of the second sujud of the last rak^ah, it is obligatory to sit up, recite the Tashahhud, and say Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad (see Appendix 4).

It is recommended to keep the hands as in step 12. However, after the index finger is lifted slightly at saying illallah it is kept as such until the end of the prayer.

For this sitting it is also recommended to pass the left foot past the right leg and place the buttocks on the floor, keeping the right foot as in sujuji .

Afterwards, it is recommended to say (see Appendix 4). Then it is recommended to say a supplication such as:

Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanah, wa fil- ‘akhirati hasanah, wa qina ^adhaban-nar, which means: “0 our Lord, grant us in this life and in the Hereafter good things, and protect us from the torture of the Hellfire”.

15. The Ending Salam: It is obligatory to say assalamu ^alaykum at least as loud as you can hear yourself. It is recommended to say as-salamu ^alaykum wa Rahmatullah first to one’s right and then to one’s left

By saying this your Dhuhr prayer is ended.

How to Perform the ^Asr (Mid-afternoon) and ^Isha' (Nightfall) Prayers

The ^Asr and ^Isha' prayers are performed exactly as the Dhuhr prayer. However, in step 2 you intend the obligatory ^Asr and ^ ^Isha’ prayers, respectively. Moreover, it is recommended to recite the Qur'an in a louder manner in the first two rak^ahs “ of the ^Isha’ prayer.
How to Perform the Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer

The three rak^ahs ^ of the Maghrib prayer are performed exactly as the first three rak^ahs of ^Isha’. After the second sujud of the third rak^ah it is obligatory to sit up and do steps 14 and 15.
How to Perform the Subh or Fajr (Dawn) Prayer

The two rak^ahs “ of the Fajr (or Subh) prayer are performed exactly like the first two rak^ahs of the ^Isha’ prayer, but with the intention of performing the obligatory Fajr (or Subh) prayer.

After the second sujud of the second rak^ah ^ , do steps 14 and 15. Also after saying Rabbana lakal-hamd in the I^tidal (step 7) of the second rak^ah ^ , it is recommended to say the Qunut supplication (see Appendix 6) at least as loud as you can hear yourself.
Invalidators of the Prayer

In addition to leaving out the obligatory parts, there are other matters that invalidate the prayer. They must be known to be avoided. Among these matters are:

1. Saying words other than the words of the prayer intentionally, remembering that one is praying, and knowing that it is forbidden to do so.

2. Making many moves for a time that is enough to make one rak^ah .

3. Performing an excessive move, such as an excessive jump.

4. Adding an extra obligatory action such as making two ruku^s or three sujuds in one rak^ah, on purpose and while remembering that one is praying.

5. Making one move with the intention of playing, such as to extend one’s tongue or to wink playfully.

6. Eating or drinking even a small amount while remembering one is praying.

7. Invalidating one’s ablution, such as passing gas or urine.

8. Intending in the heart to interrupt the prayer. Intending to interrupt it if a specific matter happens, such as if one holds: “if the door bell rings I will interrupt my prayer”, invalidates the prayer immediately.

Miscellaneous topics- Prayer times : Raising children to commit to Salat

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Creations, and Peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, the faithful and the honest.
 Oh, Allah, we know nothing but what You teach us. You are the All- Knower, the Wise. Oh Allah, teach us what is good for us, and benefit us from what You taught us, and increase our knowledge. Show us the righteous things as righteous and help us to do them, and show us the bad things as bad and help us to keep away from them.
  O Allah our Lord, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion, unto the lights of erudition and knowledge, and from the muddy shallows of lusts unto the heavens of Your Vicinity.

 Allah the Almighty says:
(( And enjoin As-Salat (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Salat (prayers)]. ))
[Ta-Ha, 132]
Raising children to commit to Salah:
 Our children are the apples of our eyes, and we are trusted by Allah the Almighty to look after them and be responsible for them, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((All of you are guardians and are responsible for your wards.))
 We are the guardians of our children and we will be asked about them on the Day of Resurrection. Jaber Ibn Sumrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((A man gives good education to his child is better for him than that he gives a large measure of corn in alms.))
[Tirmizi with a weak authentication]
 It has been narrated in the tradition:
((Play with your children for seven years, teach them for seven years, observe them for seven years and befriend them for seven years.))
 Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((When a human being dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three types: an ongoing sadaqah, a knowledge (of Islam) from which others benefit and a righteous child who makes du'a for him.))
[Hadith Sahih by Muslim]
((The pious son is man's best earning.))
 The pious son is considered an ongoing Sadaqah, because the good deeds of the father's own children, his grandchildren and their offspring will be added to his Record on the Day of Resurrection, Allah says:
(( And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in Faith, to them shall We join their offspring ))
[At-Tur, 21]
 Interpretation scholars said: "The deeds of their offspring will be added to theirs on the Day of Resurrection."
 The most profitable business in the sight of Allah is to educate your son properly and to implant faith in him.
(( And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in Faith, to them shall We join their offspring, and We shall not decrease the reward of their deeds in anything. Every person is a pledge for that which he has earned.))
[At-Tur, 21]
 It is deemed the greatest deed in the sight of Allah to have a pious son from whom people will benefit after your death.
 Imam Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "By Allah, whenever I have intercourse with my wife, I do not do that to satisfy a desire I have, but to have a pious son from whom people will benefit after my death."
 Hence, the Muslim's children are his provision and path towards Paradise. Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her said: the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((When Allah loves a family, He bestows upon them clemency.))
 In another Hadith, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((Whenever forbearance is added to something, it adorns it; and whenever it is withdrawn from something, it leaves it defective.))
[Sahih Hadith, by Muslim and Abu Dawood]
 Raising your son to have a sound Aqidah, a proper performance of the acts of worship and good conducts in order to be a useful member in the society, is the greatest deed a father will ever offer. Indeed, this is the basic mission of the father in his life.
 The conclusive evidence in the following Ayah is very clear:
(( And enjoin As-Salat (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Salat (prayers)]. ))
[Ta-Ha, 132]
 The Prophet, peace be upon him, also said:
((…and the comfort of my eye is in Salat.))
[An-Nasa'i, Hasan Hadith]
 In another Hadith he, peace be upon him, said:
((The head of its matter is Islam and its pillar is the Salah.))
[Hadith Sahai by Tirmizi]
 Furthermore, the Prophet's commandment, peace be upon him, before he joined the companion of the Exalted (Allah), was:
((Salah and those whom your right hands possess.))
[Hadith Sahih by Ibn Majah]
 When Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was stabbed he said:"Did Muslims offer Fajr prayer?"
Stages of teaching children to commit to Salah:
 Habituating the child to perform Salah, has a great positive effect on his faith in the future. Although childhood is not the stage of fulfilling religious responsibilities, it is the stage of getting children prepared and used to performing acts of worship till they reach the age of puberty. 
A child at the age of seven is not assigned to offer Salah, however, he should be raised according to Islamic morals, and he should be trained to offer Ibadat (Islamic acts of worship). As a result, when he reaches the age of puberty, Salah will be part of his life.
The stages, which the father should consider in raising his children to commit to Salah, are the following:

1- Standing with other prayers:
 In early childhood when the child starts to perceive things around him, the parents should only ask their child to stand while they are offering Salah. It was narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said about a child in that regard:
((If he knows his right from his left, order him to perform Salah.))
[Hadith Hasan by Abu Dawood]
 When your child starts to understand things, ask him to stand next to you while you are offering Salah, even if he performs Ruku'(the bowing performed during salat) before you, or he stands next to you in the first Rak'ah only and leaves. The main point is accustoming your child to join you in Salah. Your child has no idea about the rulings of Salah, so he may walk, shout or sit in front of you while you are praying, and he will not be held responsible for this. However, your job as a father is encouraging him to join you in your Salah when he starts to understand things around him. Also, it is preferable to take him with you to the Masjid and keep him close to you in order to get used to going to the houses of Allah the Almighty and to get accustomed to this obligatory act of worship.
 A important fact:
 Jaber Ibn Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((If anyone of you finishes the prayer in the Masjid, so it would be better if he perform a part of his prayer in his home because Allah will award him the good in his house due to his praying in it.))
[Hadith Sahih by Muslim]
 It is Sunnah to perform the Fard (obligatory Salah) in the Masjid and to perform Sunnah Salah in your house, so that your house will not turn into a grave. For instance, you can pray the Fard (Isha'a) in the Masjid and leave its Sunnah and Witr (a voluntary, optional night prayer of odd numbers Raka'at) till you get back home in order to attract the attention of your children while you are praying. Regarding this point, there is another Hadith: Abdullah Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((Offer some of your prayers in your houses and do not make them graves.))
[Hadith Sahih by Bukhari and Mulsim]
 Since the child is molded to imitate his parents by nature, he will imitate them when they offer Salah at home.
2- Learning the simple rules of Salah:
 Before reaching the age of seven, the parents should teach their child the simple rules of Taharah (cleanness): like how to avoid Najasah (impurity), how to perform Istinja'a (the process of cleaning the private parts after relieving oneself), the manners of using the bathroom and the necessity of keeping his body and clothes clean. Besides, the parent can give a simplified explanation about the connection between Salah and Taharah; he can give him simple pieces of information, which are the basics in a gentle, kind and soft manner.
 Moreover, you can teach the child to recite Al-Fatihah and some short Swar before he reaches the age of seven to get him prepared to perform Salah. Also, you can teach him how to perform Wudu practically (encourages him to watch you perform it) following by that the steps of the noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, in training their children. Furthermore, before the child reaches the age of seven, we should train him to offer Salah and encourage him to offer at least one Fard or more during the day, especially Fajr Salah before he goes to nursery. We shouldn't ask him to offer all the five Furood till he reaches the age of seven. Again, let me remind you how important it is to bring your children to Jumu'ah Salah after you teach them the manners of being in the Masjid.
3- Getting children used to performing Salah regularly:
 The age between seven and ten is when the following Hadith should be applied: Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-A'as, may Allah be pleased with them both, said, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((Order your children to pray at the age of seven, and beat them [lightly] if they do not do so by the age of ten, and separate them in their bedding.))
[Abo Dawood with a Hasan authentication]
 We should teach our children this Hadith in order to make them aware that they reach the stage of becoming committed to Salah. Therefore, the specialists of educating children advise parents to make the day when the child reaches the age of seven a unique event in his life. An esteemed wise brother told me that when his son reached the age of seven, he held a big celebration for that event, and he prepared himself to apply the commandment of the Prophet, peace be upon him:
((Order your children to pray at the age of seven, and beat them [lightly] if they do not do so by the age of ten, and separate them in their bedding.))
[Abo Dawood with a Hasan authentication]
 We should avoid violence and punishment before the child reaches the age of ten, so we should ask him leniently, mercifully and affectionately to offer Salah as the Prophet, peace be upon him, recommended in this stage. After the child reaches the age of seven, he should be fully taught the rules of Taharah (purification from ritual impurities by means of wudu or ghusl), how the Prophet, peace be upon him, offered Salah and some Salah supplications. Also, he should be encouraged to offer it with present heart and mind and with as lesser movements as possible, and he should be reminded of the following Hadith:
 Ammar Ibn Yaser, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that he offered two quick Raka'at, so Abdul Rahman said to him: "O Aba Yaqzan, I see that you offered the two Raka'at quickly?" To which Ammar answered: "I did that on purpose to avoid scrupulosity, for I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him, saying:
((One might finish the Salah, but only have a tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, third or a half of it written for him.))
[Sahih Hadith by Abu Dawood and Ahmad in his Musnad]
 When we teach the child that unless he offers his Fard perfectly, only tenth, fourth or fifth of it will be accepted (the part that he offered with present heart and mind), he will offer it perfectly.
4- Threatening of punishment if Salah is abandoned:
 We should repeatedly remind the child, who doesn't reach the age of ten, that after he is ten years old, he will be called to account, disciplined and punished in case he leaves Salah. Also, we should mention this Hadith in order to prevent him from leaving Salah and make him committed to offering it.
 Believe me when I say that being committed to Salah as parents and setting a good example to your son and daughter will make your children keen on offering Salah, especially when they are encouraged by all ways (morally or materially). A father may hit his son severely if he misses Salah, but another one may reward his son whenever he offers Salah at the proper time. There is a big difference between the two methods; encouragement and punishment. I think that rewarding the child for performing Salah is more effective than punishing him whenever he misses it.
 After your son reaches the age of ten, you should check on him and make sure that he is offering all the five Furood, and you should threaten him of punishment in case he leaves Salah. In addition, you should draw his attention to the fact that Salah is an obligatory and leaving it is a major sin.
 Dear brothers, the Almighty Allah says:
(( And whosoever honours the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the heart.))
[Al-Hajj, 32]
5- Teaching children to pay Kaffarah (expiation) for the missed Fard:
 This stage entails guiding your son when he misses a Fard to perform a good deed, do someone a favor, fast a day or pay Sadaqah from his own little allowance in order to make up that the missed Fard. By doing this, the father will be following the guidance of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Abu Dhar said: the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((… and follow the bad deed with a good one to erase it))
[Hadith Hasan by Tirmizi]
 Allay says in Quran that our Master Ibrahim, peace be upon him, said:
(( "O my Lord! Make me one who performs As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and (also) from my offspring ))
[Ibrahim, 40]
 Allah teaches us how to supplicate, He says:
(( And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqun (pious)."))
[Al-Furqan, 74]
6- Drawing the child's attention to the importance of Salah:
 If your son asks your permission to go to sleep before Isha'a Salah, you should remind him that there are only few minutes left before Isha'a Azan (call of Salah) and you should say to him: "O son, offer Salah, then you can go to sleep." Also, if he asks for your permission to go to a picnic or to visit relatives before sunset, you should say to him: "Let us pray Maghrib first, and then we can go." One of the methods of drawing the child's attention to the importance of Salah is to link all appointments which parents set to the times of Salah, like saying: "We will meet after Asr Salah, or we will visit you after Maghrib Salah…" and so on. Linking all the appointments of the father and the family to the five Furood will make the children understand that Salah is essential in Muslim's life.
 Furthermore, you should teach your son the Qasr (shortening the Zuhur, Asr, and Isha'a from four Raka'at to two) and the Jame' (combining Zuhur with Asr or Maghrib with Isha'a) during travels. You should tell him that this is Rukhsah (An exception to a general law, granted to preserve life or remove hardship) and that Allah is pleased when the Muslim adopts Rukhas (plural of Rukhsah) as much as He is pleased with him he applies Aza'em (obligations in Islam).
 The father should also gradually train his son to offer Nawafel (an optional, supererogatory Salah) like: Ad-Duha prayer (supererogatory prayer after sunrise), night prayers, Al-Awwabeen prayer (offering six to twenty Raka'at after the Maghrib obligatory prayer), Al-Hajah prayer (the prayer for need) and Al-Shukr prayer (the prayer of showing gratefulness to Allah). Such a thing implants the seeds of commitment (to Salah) within the child at an early age.
 Teach your son to be brave enough to ask his friends to offer Salah even if they were in a picnic. Also, teach him not to feel embarrassed to finish a phone call or a chat with a friend for the sake of offering congregation Salah in the Masjid. Make Salah the most important thing in your child's life.
7- Going early to Congregational Prayers and to the Masjid:
 When you take your son early to the Masjid on Friday (Jumu'ah Salah) you make it one of his habits till he dies. Once, I wanted to meet a brother for a scientific issue, and he asked me to meet him at 5:30 AM at his office. He noticed that I was surprised at such time, so he told me, "My father used to take me to the Masjid before Fajr Salah when I was a kid, and that has become a habit for fifty years." This man wakes up before Fajr, offers Salah, offers Fajr Salah and then goes to his office. This incident drew my attention to the fact that when the father is keen on offering Fajr Salah and Jumu'ah Salah, and when he goes early to the Masjid to offer them, he makes this one of his son's habits. On the other hand, the father who comes to the Masjid before the Khutbah is over, he subconsciously makes his son careless towards attending Kutabah.
 As a father, when you are keen on bringing your children to perform Eids Salah and Istisqa' Salah (prayer for rain), you make this habit part of them, and thus Eids Salah or may be Janazah Salah (funeral Salah) will be part of their life. The child will be strongly committed to offering Furood regularly when you reward him either morally by praising him, or materially by buying something he loves. Also, when teachers at school are keen on communicating with the family to ask about their son's commitment to Salah, the child will always be reminded of the importance of performing it.
8- Teaching children Quran, supplications and Adhkar (remembrance of Allah):
 It is good to teach the child to repeat Adhkar of the day and the ones of the night, and to make him comprehends the following Ayah in which Allah the Almighty says:
(( and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat). Verily, As-Salat (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha' (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed, etc.) and the remembering (praising, etc.) of (you by) Allah (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising, etc.) Allah in prayers, etc.]))
[Al-Ankabut, 45]
 Teaching him these Adhkar and supplications before and after Salah and those that go with Azan will make him familiar with them, and they will be part of him. Also, encourage him at an early age to memorize the Noble Quran, is a golden opportunity to do so, since it is said: "Learning in youth is like engraving on stone". You can mention to him the following Hadith concerning memorizing Quran: Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((The Qur'aan will be brought on the Day of Judgement, and it will say, 'O My Lord! Adorn him (the one who read and practised it)!' So he will be adorned with the crown of glory and honour. It will then say, 'O My Lord! Increase this!' So he will be clothed with the clothes of glory and honour. Then it will say, 'O My Lord! Be pleased with Him! So He (Allaah) will be pleased with him. It will be said, 'Recite! And rise!' And every verse he recites will bless him with a good deed.))
[Sahih Hadith by Al Hakem in his Mustadrak]
 When you inform your son about the exalted position of the Hafez (the one who knows the Quran by heart), the one who recites it, the one who learns it and the one who teaches it, you will be make him enthusiastic and eager to memorize it.
9- Using educational tools:
 Right down a timetable of the daily prayers with a check box next to each Salah in order to be marked when this Salah is performed. Install a computer program through which your son can learn performing Salah and the principles of wudu. When the Mu'azen says: "Hayya alal Falah (rush to success)", Hayya alal Falah (rush to success)", repeat before your son: "La Hawla wa La Quwwata Illa Billah (no power or strength except with Allah)".
 Moreover, repeat the word of Tawhid and the Shahadah in front of him, for all this will become deeply rooted inside him. 
 • Teach him the supplication of going out of the house to offer Salah. 
 • Teach him the supplication of entering the Masjid and the one of going out of it. 
 • Teach him the supplication of entering the bathroom, because he will benefit from all that in his future.
 • Warn him from pecking like a crow while performing Ruku' and Sujud (prostrating in Salah), telling him that by doing this he seems to be stealing from his Salah:
 Narrated Abi Qatadah, may Allah be pleased with him, he said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
(("The worst of stealers are those who steal from their Salahs." People asked: "0 Messenger of Allah, how could one steal from his payer?" He said: "He would not bow down and prostrate completely."))
[Ahmad and Tabarani and his followers]
 You will instill in him the spirit of performing Salah honestly.
10- Leniency and using encouraging and interesting tools:
 Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-A'as, may Allah be pleased with them both, said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((The merciful people will have mercy bestowed upon them by Allah (S.W.T.). Be merciful with those on earth, so He who in the heaven (Allah) will have mercy on you.))
[Hadith Sahih by Abu Dawood and Tirmizi]
 He, who gives guidance to little children, should avoid giving lots of orders. He should reward the child for the good behavior either morally by showing contentment or materially by giving him gifts. Also, he should say to the child: "This is wrong" whenever he makes a mistake instead of saying to him "You did something wrong". He should be nice to him and show him the right thing to do. If the child makes the same mistake over and over again, he can deprive him of things he loves. These are some of the tools through which the child is encouraged to commit to offering Salah.
The topic of "Raising Children to Commit to Salah":
(( And enjoin As-Salat (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Salat (prayers)]. ))
[Ta-Ha, 132]
 This is a Divine command, and every divine command entails obligation.
 Tell your children before they offer their Salah about the One they are praying before and about the One they are secretly talking to. Teach them that their prayer is performed to please Allah only, not to please this or that person. Also, teach them that earning Halal money will help them being submissive in their Salah. Furthermore, teach them that if they recite Quran properly, Allah will be pleased with them and will reward them in this worldly life and in the Hereafter.
 These are some of the instructions which are deduced from the following Ayah:
(( And enjoin As-Salat (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Salat (prayers)]. ))
[Ta-Ha, 132]
I repeat again: it is an ordained Divine command, and every Divine command entails obligation

( Rateb nabussi)


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